Thank you for checking our refund policy.
If you are planning to buy the subscription, here is the complete information about our refund policy.
We have 30 days refund policy.
Use GrowthFunnels and decide in the next 30 days. if you are not satisfied, we would happily raise the refund.
Once 30 days are over, we don’t offer any refund in any circumstances.
After canceling your subscription and revoking your license keys, we will process your refund.
Please allow at least five to seven (5-7) days from the receipt of your item to process your return.
Refunds may take 1-2 billing cycles to appear on your credit card statement, depending on your credit card company.
We will notify you by email when your return has been processed.
If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us.
Email - [email protected]
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